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carol knows the ceo tee.

carol knows the ceo tee.

Allegedly. She knows the CEO, ALLEGEDLY.
  • 10% of every sale benefits two deserving charities in an effort to tackle some of the underlying factors contributing toward “Karenism.”


    5% of the sale benefits Girl Scouts of Western Washington. GSWW offers programs where Girl Scouts of all backgrounds and abilities can be unapologetically themselves as they discover their strengths and rise to meet new challenges. Supporting young girls by encouraging a civic mindset, teaching empathy, offering incredible learning experiences, and helping them understand and grow their own self-worth is one way we hope to prevent future Karens.

    We also hope to nip future Karens in the bud by donating 5% of Karen-imal sales to North Carolina for Community and Justice– a human relations organization working to build more compassionate, inclusive and equitable communities free of bias, bigotry and racism by facilitating respectful conversations and creating more inclusive and equitable environments. Seeing each other as equals is the first step toward treating each other as equals.


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